Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spoiled Dog

Well, here he is again that spoiled dog of mine! Yes he has his own blanket and it is a thick and fuzzy thing that he has loved since puppyhood! When I take it off the bed and wash it he gets all stressed out and has to get involved with the whole process of laundry. He watches as I put it in the washer, eyes wide makeing this snorting noise we call "Snuffalufagus Sounds". Then he passes back and forth from me to the washer untill it's time to go in the dryer. Then he waits for me to open the dryer and promptly sticks his head in to inspect this thing that I am going to put his fuzzy blanket in as if to see if it's up to his standards for blanket drying. Then the passing begins again untill the dryer is done. When I get it out he follows me and it to the bed where he does the blanket dance on it untill he gets it just right. Then he likes to get all wrapped up in it as you see in the picture, We call it "Burrito-Dog". I often wonder what he really is because dogs are not this human!

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