Monday, November 28, 2011

Tools of Happy

I can not begin to tell you how important my dogs are in dealing with my depression. While I do have a support team of folks in my therapy, none of them can do for me what a warm soft and furry dog can do. My dog of choice is the Bully Breeds but all dogs have a secret depression fighting tool. They are like little super hero's who silently fight depression demons the entirety of their lives. I believe it is their reason for being. I owe them my life.
       When I look in to my dog's eyes I see a light of understanding, and love. If I am at critical panic stage all I need to do is to lay my hands on his warm and soft fur and instantly I feel the calm begin. When I can't sleep, the sound of his breathing, (and snoring) and the rhythm of his chest are soothing like counting sheep or clouds and it doesn't take long and I fade in to slumber land.
When I am struggling with an issue that seems unresolvable, I take my dogs and we go for a walk, rain or shine. No it doesn't solve the issue, I do but it's the walk and the comfort of the dogs with me that clears my head and allows me to think more clearly so that I can work out the solution on my own.
I'm not saying go get a dog, and certainly not telling you to get a pit bull! (Pit bulls are not dogs for just any one, and it takes a certain kind of person in the right home setting and situation to properly and responsibly own one.) I am simply saying it has worked for me.
If you think a dog might be able to help you before you leap in head first, try testing it out first. There are many ways to do this. Go to your local no-kill shelter, (I say no-kill because the concept that the dog you interacted with may be put down is enough to drive some of us to the brink of personal disaster!) or even to a friends house who owns a dog and focus in on your darkest spot, the one that never goes away, now pet that dog! Hug that dog! Let that dog do as he will! Lick face, hands and just let go of everything for a minute. With out words, tell that dog how much you hurt inside, how lonely you are, how misunderstood you feel. Let go of the darkness and the pain and let him take that away and replace it with unconditional love and true devotion. I'd like to hear about your results. So please leave comments and yes, I do read them even if I don't respond. I read every comment and feel every presence.