Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Another Life Begining

I believe that we all have many lives we live within the life time we have been given. For instance, one of my lives started when I arrived here on the harbor when I was about 27 years old I think. I came here with Pat Adams to start a new life in Ocean Shores, WA. We rented a house in OceanShores on Oar Loop. I was young and full of adventure. I had diffrent friends and a cute car, a powder blue camera with T-tops and a bra. My friends and I cruised around the harbor in it and we had so much fun. Pat got me a new pup as my previous dog, Sabra was hit by a car in Beaver, WA and died. It was devastating to me and Pat wanted to try to help me get past the grief so he bought me a pup, that I named Nastasha. She road along with me in that Camaro much the same as Sayka does today. When I left Forks, WA it was the end of that life and a start to a new one here on the harbor.  
You see what I mean? Sometimes the lives are short and some can be pretty long. Most involve change and letting go of people, places and things, and sometimes pets. They almost always mean that I changed in some significant way. Since I have always kept a journal of some sort, theses mini lives are documented along the way. It's my inconsistency in writting that leaves small gaps in the whole picture. But I'm getting better at not lapsing in the story. The technology advances our world has made has been a huge help with that. When my life is near over I hope to have organized all of my writting in to a book, an aughtobiography I will leave behind as a legacy and a story for my daughter and my grandchildren to read and to know about me and my life. Maybe it will help them to better understand who they are and the history of their bloodline. Something I never had but always wished I did.
It would be so interesting to pick up my mother's story and see who she was at age 26 or 30 in comparison to who I was at 26 or 30. To know how much alike we are or are not. What choices she made and how she saw the world around her. 
I am going to make the story even more interesting by adding pictures and videos and other bits of collected pieces of my experiences. Today is a good day to begin.

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