Sunday, April 25, 2021

crazy wild shit

Those who know me, know that I survived a pretty bad car wreck. Head on collision with a Dodge cop car. County sheriff, Grays Harbor County Sheriff to be exact. Was ejected from the Jeep Cherokee I was a back seat passenger with my dog. My driver and the frontseat passenger were not hurt as badly as the sheriff and myself. The whole experience was a pivotal point in my life. It was as if I was born again in the ditch I landed in. Broke my back and my face. Never knew pain like that ever. Spent 8 days in Harborview hospital. That was nearly 5 years ago. I have never been the same since. It haunts me every day. I wish it would just go away but my body won't let me forget. It's my goal to make it go away and to make it in to a good positive thing that I can grow from. 

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